The Broker (Korean Movie 2022)

The Broker Movie Cast, Summary & Release date

The Broker (2022)
Official Poster The Broker Poster
Original title 브로커
Type Korean film, Drama
Subtitle English
A.k.a Baby Box Broker, Beurokeo
Director Koreeda Hirokazu
Screenwriter Koreeda Hirokazu
Genres Comedy
Country South Korea
Release date May 26, 2022
Runtime 2 hr. 9 min.
Where to Watch The Broker with English Subtitles
"The Broker" is currently not confirmed to be released on OTT Streaming platforms.

The Broker (Summary)

A baby box is a small space where parents can anonymously leave their baby behind. Sanghyun finds a new parent for the baby left in the baby box and makes a special deal with them. He calls himself a well-meaning broker. Sang Hyun is working with Dong Soo on this initiative. They get involved with So Young, who put the baby in a baby box, but now they're back for the baby. Meanwhile, Detectives Soo Jin and Lee are chasing Sang Hyun and Dong Soo. Edit Synopsis

The Broker (Main Cast)

Lovely Rose

Lovely Rose is a content writer for I have always been interested in Korean, Chinese, and Thai dramas. These dramas have always been a source of entertainment for me. There are a few websites that have influenced me to write. These are MyDramaList, Soompi, Alkopop and AsianWiki. I have never really thought about writing about myself until now. I think it would be a fun experience to write about myself for a website.

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