Scent of a Ghost Korean Drama, Release, Cast, Synopsis

Scent of a Ghost Plot synopsis, cast, Korean Drama Tv series

Korean Drama: Scent of a Ghost 2019

Native Title: 귀신의 향기
Subtitle: English
Alternative English title: Gwishinui Hyanggi
Genres: Comedy, Romance, Melodrama
Country: South Korea
Release Date: Jul 3, 2019
Duration: 1 hr. 33 min.

Synopsis: Scent of a Ghost

PJi Yeon is a beautiful university student, with music as the main subject. She is dating Dong Seok, but the parents of Dong Seok want him to study abroad. The day before he leaves South Korea to study abroad, he is preparing a proposal for Ji Yeon. Ji Yeon does not appear at the event.

Meanwhile, there is a rumor about the old apartment building where Ji Yeon lives. Rumor has it that a ghost appears in the apartment complex.

Main cast: Scent of a Ghost

Lee El as Ji Yeon | Kang Kyung Joon as Dong Seok
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Lovely Rose

Lovely Rose is a content writer for I have always been interested in Korean, Chinese, and Thai dramas. These dramas have always been a source of entertainment for me. There are a few websites that have influenced me to write. These are MyDramaList, Soompi, Alkopop and AsianWiki. I have never really thought about writing about myself until now. I think it would be a fun experience to write about myself for a website.

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